Episode 14 - Poogate & burping your baby | Cassidy Mason

Season #1

Baby Max has just turned 2 months old and first-time mum, Cass, sits down with Meg to talk about this new stage of her little one’s life. Now that Max’s digestive system is starting to mature, Cass wants to know how many poos are normal and what should she expect when breast and bottle feeding.

She also asks Meg about burping Max at night, how it interrupts his sleep and what technique is best for winding a baby. Meg shares some great insights into how to manage night feeds and burping so that baby and parents get the best (longest) sleep possible.

Meg and Cass move on to discuss Max’s early morning wakings between 3am and 5am and why he’s battling to settle to sleep again. This leads Meg to share some information about how to cope with these wakings. She also explains SIDS or cot death. While the thought of cot death is every parent’s worst nightmare, it’s important to know the risks to ensure you are practicing safe sleeping.

Meg and Cass then share some of their personal insights into parenting. Meg talks about how she broke the dummy/pacifier habit with her first born. And they agree that while the days are long in the infant stage, the years (months) are short. They take a moment to appreciate the precious moments of parenting and how our little ones steal our hearts – amidst the sleep deprivation, the uncertainty and anxiety. In spite of the hard parts, parenting is absolutely a gift.

Listen to Meg and Cass now as they share some very real moments of motherhood in early infant stage.

For more expert advice where and when you need it, download Parent Sense - the all-in-one baby app that takes the guesswork out of parenting. 


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