Episode 17 - A crash course in parenting | Bailey Georgiades

Season #1

Haven’t you ever wished that parenting came with a manual? All parents, and especially new ones who are just starting out in their parenting journey, wish that there was someone or something with all the answers to their questions about taking care of their baby.  

In this week’s episode of SENSE by Meg Faure, Meg doesn't offer you a manual, but does one better… She sits down for 'A crash course in parenting' with Bailey Georgiadis to talk about the latest development on the Parent Sense app. Parent Sense is rolling out online parenting courses across a wide range of parenting topics, from sleep to weaning, to choking & first aid. There are courses on looking after your relationship with your partner after your baby arrives, on development, nutrition, sensory processing and much more. In fact, there are a total of 25 parenting courses planned for 2022 – and they are all delivered by qualified healthcare professionals and based on the latest science for modern parenting in the real world.

Didn’t Meg promise it was better than a parenting manual? Get short, easy-to-access parenting courses across so many important topics available on Parent Sense as in-app purchases. You don’t even need a subscription to access the courses, you can just download the app and start your parenting with sense journey.


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