Episode 18 - Becoming a mum of two with Marguerite

Season #1

Becoming a mum of two is a brand new stage of your parenting journey. In this week’s episode of Sense by Meg Faure, Meg sits down with Occupational Therapist and mum of two little girls, Marguerite, to talk about the changes to expect when one becomes two. 


First-time mums go through a very special journey of learning how to care for a baby, some trial and error and definitely, a fair amount of guesswork until you get it right.  


But a second-time mum is almost a completely different journey. You’re not a rookie anymore when it comes to newborns but now you have two little ones to juggle and cuddle and love. 


Meg and Marguerite talk about how the girls' routines can clash a bit when it comes to nap time vs play time, or when her toddler’s  mealtimes clash with her newborns' bedtime. Marguerite also shares some of the wonderful moments she’s experienced bringing a second baby home. The way her toddler has largely adapted and adores her little sister, but is also going through sleep changes - particularly resisting her daytime nap.  


This leads the mums to talk about baby Hazel’s sleep. They talk about awake times and that Hazel is currently going through a cat napping stage and what Marguerite can do to help Hazel link her sleep cycles. 


Marguerite also asks Meg about the dreaded 17 week sleep regression. Meg shares some insights into sleep regression and gives Marguerite the advice & tips to not over respond to night waking during this stage. 


As Occupational Therapists, Meg and Marguerite also talk about some of Hazel’s developments, what activities she’s enjoying. Marguerite tells Meg how much she loves the daily play idea from Parent Sense because she doesn’t have to come up with a play idea everyday and because the activities are developed by OTs to make sure that they are age- and developmentally appropriate. 


Listen for all of this and more and Meg and Marguerite navigate being a parent to two little ones. 


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