Episode 19 - Weaning with Sense | Kath Megaw

Season #1

Weaning your baby onto solids is a stage that every parent (and child) must go through. But for some mums and dads, it’s a confusing subject with a huge amount of conflicting advice about when to start weaning, what should be your baby’s first foods & how to encourage a varied, healthy diet from the get-go.

In this week’s episode of SENSE by Meg Faure, Meg sits down with her co-author on the best-selling Weaning Sense book, Kath Megaw.

 Kath is a clinical paediatric dietician, the founder of Nutripaeds, and author of several books. She has four medical degrees and is an authoritative voice on nutrition in babies and children. Kath and Meg have an enlightening chat about some of the controversy around weaning.

Kath answers the biggest question around weaning and that is when is it time to start solids? She explains WHO recommendations and the impact of food security in developing countries. Kath goes onto to explain when to start weaning within this context and the context of developed countries.

 Meg and Kath also talk about Baby Led Weaning or BLW and how it fits into the Weaning Sense approach to weaning. Kath explains BLW as a developmental stage that babies at 4 months old are not quite ready for but will grow into as the months go by.

 Meg and Kath go on to talk about first food trends that was a deciding factor in what we started feeding our babies in the 70s, 80/90s and now. They discuss the trend towards replicating the nutritional value of breast milk as good first food choices – seasonal fruit & vegetables with healthy fats such as avo. They also talk about the latest research in allergens and how introducing proteins sooner reduces the chance of developing allergies.

 Meg and Kath also talk about the ‘two bowl’ approach to weaning and offer some great tips for avoiding picky eating, providing choice and variety and the importance of (relaxed) persistence when it comes to offering our babies new foods.

 Join Meg and Kath for this insightful, science-backed chat about how to wean and make it a successful and enjoyable journey for you and your little one. Listen now!


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