Episode 39 - 5-month-old milestones with Cassidy Mason

Season #2

In this episode of Sense by Meg Faure, Cass is back from holiday and gives us an update on travelling with Max. She talks about noticing so much more development having had him out of his familiar surroundings and her and Meg chat about the importance of setting up routines early to free you up later on. This leads them onto discuss awake times that Cass now swears by. They also talk about self soothing, and the changes that Cass is likely to experience in Max's routine as he approaches 6 months. Meg & Cass catch up on Max's weaning journey that started just before their family holiday and Meg shares some ways to restart the journey onto solids with Cass. They also talk about milestones within the Parent Sense app like pushing up, babbling and how babies learn and master gross motor and emotional skills. Listen for all of this and more with Meg and Cass.


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