Episode 62: How to celebrate a 1st birthday

Season #2

How to celebrate a 1st birthday? That’s what Cass and I are discussing on this week’s episode of Sense by Meg Faure. We’ve been following Cass and baby Max’s journey for one whole year now and this week, we’re celebrating Max turning one years old! Max is celebrating like royalty, says Cass as she shares how they celebrated Max’s birthday and all the celebratory events and activities that have just passed and that are coming up. Cass shares that they were on holiday in Greece for the past two weeks with her family, so the celebrations started there. She also shares that on the actual birthday they spent the day together and had a couple of surprise guests who brought presents. They had a cake with a candle, sang Happy Birthday, wore party hats, and had a lovely time. I asked about the gifts they got for Max because many moms wonder what makes a good gift for a one-year-old. Cass explains that they didn't want to get a big gift since he won't remember it, so they chose some new clothes for the upcoming winter season. They also got him a race car track with a car, a glow-in-the-dark ball (as he loves lights and balls), and a bath toy that swims and sings. They mention that he received a toy phone and keys as a gift, which he enjoys since he likes playing with the real ones. You might have noticed how children often prefer real items over toy versions, and Cass shares an amusing incident where Max put a toy phone to his ear, mimicking Cass's actions. This leads us to talk about the fact that mimicking is a precursor to imagination. I also discuss the development of imaginative play in toddlers and while Max is still in the early stages of this development, he is starting to imitate what he sees mom and dad do and say. Cass mentions that while on holiday, Max started saying "oh wow" when he saw the beautiful view from their villa. Of course, I thought it was very funny and cute but it’s a good reminder of how children mimic language and behaviours (and that we sometimes need to be mindful of our own actions and words). I go onto ask Cass about their holiday and how traveling with her nearly one-year-old went. Cass explains that Max was a dream on the flights and the first week of the holiday. But after they moved to a new villa halfway through the holiday, Max became clingy and had trouble sleeping at night – crying inconsolably for hours at a time. We talk about what some of the causes might be including dropping from two sleeps to one sleep and night terrors. We also talk about the possibility of separation anxiety – particularly at night. Cass mentions that Max has two molars coming through, which could be causing discomfort. It’s true that teething and discomfort from molars coming through can disrupt sleep and cause rashes. This seems like the most likely cause of Max’s unusual sleep behaviour. Cass goes on to reflect on the holiday and how she realised that Max is capable of more than she thought and may benefit from more stimulation. I am a big believer in family holidays as a time to reconnect and spend quality time together. Cass talks about Max’s bond with her father and how they want to make time every year to spend uninterrupted time together. We then spend some time talking about birthday cake and sweets! Cass is admittedly strict about keeping Max away from too many processed, sugary foods. I share some tips for finding a balance between allowing treats and not making them too much of a rarity. We also look back at Max’s year, all the highlights and hard parts. I am in awe of how wonderful Cass has managed her first year as a mum and we talk about the common experiences and worries that mothers go through, like concerns about feeding, sleep, and developmental milestones. We talk about the importance of perspective and knowing that many of these issues will resolve themselves with time. I hope to catch up with Cass to find out how Max is growing and developing as they enter the toddler years. Happy birthday Max!


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