Episode 84 - Understanding Toddler Behavior

Season #3

In our latest episode of the parenting podcast, "Understanding Toddler Behavior", my co-host Tove and I delve into the intriguing world of toddler behavior. We understand that tantrums, biting, and various unpredictable actions can often leave you, as parents, feeling somewhat lost and bemused. The Intricate Interplay of Factors Influencing Behavior Drawing from our extensive experience and expertise, we explore the intricate interplay of physiological, sensory, and emotional factors that contribute to your toddler's behavior. There's a particular emphasis on understanding the unique sensory personalities of each child, which can provide a more empathetic and effective approach to parenting. Balancing Boundaries and Choices: Fostering Autonomy and Control Our discussion also steers towards the critical balance in parenting that navigates between setting firm boundaries and providing a sensible range of choices to your toddler. We believe in the importance of fostering a sense of autonomy within the boundaries of balanced control. Our aim is not merely to manage behavior but to understand it in order to guide our little ones through these challenging years. Embracing the Role of the ‘Good Enough’ Parent Above all, one of the key messages we wish to convey is that it's okay to be a 'good enough' parent. Yes, we may sometimes stumble and make mistakes in the winding path of parenthood, and that's perfectly natural. The focus is on repairing the connection and continuing the journey with love and understanding. Tune in to our latest episode, "Understanding Toddler Behavior" for more valuable insights and reassurances that will support you in the rollercoaster ride of parenting.


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