Episode 90-The Fertility Doctor: Age & Lifestyle – Hope for overcoming infertility

Season #4

Welcome to this week's episode, where we embark on a journey of hope and discovery as we delve into 'Age, Lifestyle, and the Untold Truths of Conception' with Meg Faure, the founder of Sense by Meg, and Dr. Jo Pottow, a leading expert in reproductive medicine. Our mission is to shed light on various fertility solutions, providing insights, guidance, and support to those navigating the path to parenthood. Age, Lifestyle, and the Untold Truths of Conception-Understanding Fertility Challenges Meg explains the decision of many couples to have children later in life as the main cause of infertility, environmental stresses, genetics, and other factors. Dr. Pottow agrees with this fact and explains that the age factor mainly affects women who decide to have babies later in life, especially past 35 years of age. Lifestyle factors such as heavy alcohol use, substance abuse are main causes of infertility in men. Secondary Infertility Secondary infertility, a term used to describe infertility experienced by couples after the birth of their first baby, is also explained by the specialist. History of having suffered mumps when young are the main causes of infertility in men, which could also contribute to infertility later if proper treatment is not administered. Fertility Solutions Discussed Dr. Pottow shares that the best thing is to seek help early and starts off with a consultation and a history, then runs some tests that assist in giving the person a firm diagnosis and then a plan to fix the issue. Some of the Infertility solutions that are easy to fix include: Weight management: Being overweight could be a cause of infertility. Losing some weight and eating a balanced diet is an easy solution that has worked for others. -Timing issues -Making sure you're doing all the checks and balances. -Ensuring that your tubes are open, ensuring that you are ovulating. -Ensuring that your hormones are all well balanced and normal and ensuring that you have sperm that can reach that egg are important factors. The IVF fertility solution Dr.  also talks about the reproductive technologies and treatments that have revolutionized the field of fertility, offering new avenues for those seeking to build their families. The IVF solution, which Dr. recommends to comes in after a few months of trying natural conception methods. Meg and Dr. Pottow encourage couples to get into the journey with people, specialists who understand and support them , saying "You will get there with a plan with the right person."


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