Episode 95-When to Worry:Navigating Child Development and Parental Intuition

Season #4

In this podcast episode we dive deep into the nuanced world of parenting worries, especially concerning child development. Tove Gant shares her personal journey of parenting her first child, Gray, who has special needs and was diagnosed at two years old after missing several developmental milestones. This experience highlighted the delicate balance between worrying about a child's development and recognizing their unique path. Meg Faure, an occupational therapist and infant specialist, joins the conversation, providing professional insight into developmental milestones, the importance of early intervention, and the concept of enriched environments for children. We explore the broad ranges of normal development, the significance of milestone clusters in identifying potential concerns, and the impact of environment and genetics on a child's growth. Additionally, we touch upon the pressures of overscheduling and the societal expectations placed on parents, emphasizing the value of simple, engaged parenting over a plethora of activities.


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